Manuel González-Toruño

Professor of Negotiation. Professor of Business Policy.

Master in Business Administration (IESE, Universidad de Navarra), Licenciado en Derecho (Universidad de Sevilla)

Manuel is an entrepreneur and Business School professor with 25 years of professional
experience in the fields of Negotiation and Business Strategy.

Manuel is also an entrepreneur who has launched several companies in different industries: Agriculture, Real Estate Development, Renewable Energies, Wealth Management and Talent International Mobility. He serves in the Board of some companies and has extensive experience in advising CEOs and top managers about Strategic planning and implementation.

He started his teaching career in 1991. He has taught courses both in English and Spanish in different countries such as Spain, Ireland, Morocco, Russia and Rwanda. He has designed and delivered tailored-made programs on Negotiation for executives in many companies.

He moved with his family for two years to Ireland (2012-2013) to launch and develop Timoney Leadership Institute a joint venture by San Telmo and a group of Irish business leaders to deliver world-class senior executive education programs in Ireland. Timoney L.I. is today a well stablished institution in Ireland. In 2014 and 2015 he was the promoter and first Director for Russia of the activities that San Telmo launched in that country. He served at San Telmo since 2016 until 2019 as Managing Director for Africa. From 2019, he was Director of a new international Program in STBS with a focus in food industry, inFOOD.

Manuel got his High School Diploma at Williamsville, NY, USA. He is a Law Graduate and Master in Business Administration (MBA) by IESE, Barcelona and studied at HEC Paris as part of his MBA Program. He received the course Teaching Negotiation at Harvard University, addressed to trainers and professors in Negotiation. He is also a Certified Mediator registered to act in conflict resolution. Manuel is the author of more than thirty Case-Studies and Technical Notes in the fields of Business Policy, Strategy, Negotiation, and Entrepreneurship.

Riesgo e Inversión. Reflexiones para el hombre de empresa
El empresario y la financiación bancaria. Algunas sugerencia
Inversiones Fortium
El Proyecto Piedrahita
Distribución Alimentación (DIALCO, S.A.)
Un Director General en acción
Diputación Provincial de Sevilla
WWW.Miequipo.Com (A)
WWW.Miequipo.Com (B)
Grupo Cherkizovo. El líder de Productos Cárnicos en Rusia
Cherkizovo Group: Russia’s Leading meat producer
El Comedor Social de Triana (Resumido)
La elección del futuro de la empresa: El Sistema de Objetivos, Políticas y Planes de Acción (SOP)
Bogaris (B)
Sugerencias prácticas para la elaboración de un Sistema de Objetivos, Políticas y Planes de Acción
Mercado Provenzal en 2013: El ”Low Cost” de las cervecerías
Alta Dirección de pequeñas empresas: La importancia de poseer un modelo que ayuda a su gobierno (Res
Winnaz. Made in Rwanda
El coche de segunda mano: Vendedor
Bogaris (A)
Hospital Infanta Luisa
Efrain Amigo
Guadalquivir Balompié
Alta Dirección de Empresas: Un modelo para ayudar en su gobierno
El Comedor Social de Triana
The used car deal seller
Planeta Infinito
The used car deal buyer
WINNAZ. Made in Rwanda
MAAVi, Kimitec making vision
MAAVi, Kimitec making vision
MAAVI, KIMITEC making a vision
El coche de segunda mano: Comprador
MAAVI, KIMITEC making a vision
Re-Inventing Innovation at Nestlé
Reinventando la innovación en Nestlé
El Apartamento-Comprador
El Apartamento-Vendedor
The apartment. Buyer

"Hablemos de negocación. El negociador hecho a sí mismo". Septiembre 2023
"Innovación abierta y corporativa venturing". Mayo 2021
"Ruanda: un ejemplo de impulso agrícola para África… y para muchos otros países". Julio 2017.
"Preparando el futuro: la formación de nuestros jóvenes… ¡Y la nuestra!". Julio 2016.
"La Mediación. Un medio eficaz y poco conocido para resolver conflictos civiles y mercantiles". Junio 2016.

Areas of interest

  • Negotiation and conflict resolution
  • Mediation
  • Strategic plans
  • Corporate Governance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Digital transformation
  • Open innovation
  • Corporate Venturing