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    Management and Steering
    of Pharmacy Office´s Program

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Expanding the entrepreneurial outlook of pharmacies

The continuous evolution and major challenges facing the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors increasingly demand greater entrepreneurial training addressed to the persons who manage pharmacy offices.

The Executive Direction and Management of Pharmacy Offices’ Programme is created with the aim of enhancing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of its participants with regards to the pharmacy management. All of the foregoing is tackled in line with the necessary entrepreneurial focus that complements dedication to service and care of patients-customers in the pharmacy.

To achieve this, from San Telmo Business School we will provide an overall outlook on the management process, delving deeper into the specific aspects that comprise it, endowing them with the tools and techniques they need, alongside the exercising of management skills.

The executive Direction and Management of Pharmacy Offices’ Programme is an initiative under the auspices of Bidafarma and San Telmo Business School, whose IX edition will take place in Malaga in October 2019.

The executive Direction and Management of Pharmacy Offices’ Programme is an initiative under the auspices of Bidafarma and San Telmo Business School, whose XIII edition will take place in Malaga starting on March 7th and running until June 24th, 2024.

Validated Programme by

Additional information

LENGTH 4 months
PLACE Malaga
START March 7th to
June 27th, 2024
SCHEDULE Thursdays, from 09:30 to 19:30

For more information, check our spanish page for this program.
Academic content

What are the aims of the Programme for the Management and Steering of Pharmacy Offices?


Assistance to the person entrusted with the running of the apothecary to adapt its strategy and business model with a view to taking advantage of the sector’s changes and trends.


Contribution of knowledge, tools and skills-sets for the management of the pharmacy as an enterprise.


Detection of opportunities for the apothecary business through the analysis of current and relevant entrepreneurial scenarios.


Design and development of a project for implantation in the respective pharmacies.


Exchanging viewpoints amongst professionals with wide-ranging experience allows for the participants to build their own complete and thorough approach.


Professors and speakers with renowned experience in the field of corporate management and the pharmaceutical sector.

Academic content

  • Governance and management: Knowledge, tools and skills-set to manage the different spheres comprising a Pharmacy Office: sales, internal, financial and economic transaction, people management, legal and fiscal organisation.

  • Professionalisation: Professionalising the apothecary’s duties as a social service as well as an entrepreneurial undertaking.

  • Future and challenges: Expanding the outlook to future challenges that will the sector must overcome.

  • Improvement Plan: Design and development of an Individual Improvement Plan for implementation on the respective pharmacies.

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The PDGOF programme is intended for:

  • Pharmacy Offices Managers
  • Heads of Management at Pharmacy Offices
  • Pharmacy graduates and qualified pharmacists with professional experience, who carry out their duties as deputy manager in the pharmacy
Eva de los Ríos

Eva de los Ríos

Farmacia de los Ríos (Málaga) Alumni PDGOF Sevilla 2014 (II Promoción)

“Yo pasé por San Telmo al poco tiempo de empezar de titular en una farmacia y me sirvió para darme cuenta de las diferentes áreas importantes y mejorables que puede tener esta profesión de la Oficina de Farmacia, que no deja de ser una empresa.

El método del caso es muy bueno para ponerte en distintas situaciones y ver las diferentes soluciones.

Lo mejor sin duda son los compañeros que te llevas porque te aportan sus experiencias, aprendemos unos de otros, es muy enriquecedor.

¡Ánimo a todo aquel que tenga inquietud, ganas de crecer, mejorar y llevarse un grupo de gente estupenda para toda su vida!”

Francisco Javier Castillón

Francisco Javier Castillón

Farmacia Castillón (Málaga) Alumni PDGOF Sevilla 2019 (IX Promoción)

“Mi paso por San Telmo me ha sorprendido de una manera muy gratificante: principalmente me ha enseñado a pensar y tomar buenas decisiones ante ‘problemas’ de índole estrictamente empresarial/ laboral.

El programa y método de San Telmo, te enseñan a ser mejor empresario y saber gestionar con excelencia tu Farmacia y te anima a hacer esos cambios que tienes que hacer y no sabes cómo hacerlos.

Por otra parte tienes la oportunidad no solo de contactar con un excelente profesorado con el que podrás tener la oportunidad de resolver dudas que te vayan surgiendo, también con compañeros con los que intercambiar diferentes puntos de vista sobre la farmacia.”

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Avenida de la Mujer Trabajadora, 1

Avenida de Carlos Haya, 165