Dr. Rocío López Pérez

Professor of Finance and Control. Head Unit, Finance.

Doctora en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla), Máster en Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías (Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA), Máster en Economía y Dirección de Empresas (San Telmo Business School), Programa de Desarrollo Académico (San Telmo Business School), Master in Mathematics Internacional (Univesität Kaiserslautern. Kaiserslautern-Alemania), Licenciada en Matemáticas (Universidad de Sevilla), Máster Ejecutivo The Power MBA (Formación online), Curso Community Management (Fundación UNED)

. Doctor in Economics and Business Studies (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Pablo de Olavide University of Seville), Master's Degree in Education and New Technologies (Universidad a Distancia de Madrid - Distance University of Madrid), Master's Degree in Economics and Business Management (San Telmo Business School), Master's Degree in Mathematics International (Univesität Kaiserslautern. Kaiserslautern-Germany), Bachelor of Mathematics (Universidad de Sevilla - University of Seville)
Professor Rocío López is a consulting partner of the company Areca Gestión, specializing in 1) Support for companies and professionals in the integration and use of new technologies (virtual learning environments, web pages, e-commerce platforms, social media, etc...); (2) classroom training and online digital tools for companies (Moodle, Wordpress, Prestashop, management of social networks, etc.) and management skills (management, communication, effective presentations, techniques of sale crusade, etc.); and (3) collaboration and advice for enterprise, commercial, economic and financial management, systems address and information, etc.

In recent years Rocío López collaborated in these areas with CEOs, Managing Directors and their management teams of renowned companies such as: San Telmo Business School, British Academy, pharmacy Aleste, Qosit, Business Language Projects Consulting, article 27, Alcabala, Knight lawyers, Big Baguettes, Alquitara, Sara Dobarro, pool pottery, Ceu San Pablo, Cepsa, Ingenia, Superior School of architecture of Seville, Institute of Sciences of the education of the University of Seville and the College of engineering industry in Seville. Her professional career has been developed as a consultant at Deloitte & Touche, Client Manager at BBVA and Financial Director of the companies Visasur Telecomunicaciones and Frunexa Sevilla. In addition, she is the author of four articles in scientific journals, a contributor to the book "Linkedin 300 Million" and a regular writer of articles and business case studies, along with technical notes on business management.

Currently, Rocío is the Academic Area Director of Finance at San Telmo Business School.

Además de pertenecer al claustro de San Telmo Business School en el área de Control y Finanzas, es profesora en el Máster en Marketing Digital y Social Media, Máster en Comunicación Digital y Máster en Educación y Nuevas tecnologías de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid y profesora de Dirección y Administración de Empresas en la Universidad Pablo Olavide. Así como coordinadora y tutora académica de Trabajo Fin de Máster y Trabajo fin de Grado de estas instituciones.

Su tesis doctoral sobre Marketing y Supply Chain Management aplicada al contexto Pyme español fue calificada de sobresaliente con la mención Cum Lade.


Areas of interest

  • Control and Management Systems
  • Digital Transformation
  • Education and New Technologies
  • Digital marketing and Social Media