“Keys for companies’ competitiveness”

The International Advisory Council on Company Policy of the Instituto I. San Telmo, held its first seminary in Malaga, sponsored by Unicaja Bank

The Instituto I. San Telmo, flagship business school in the south of Spain, with offices in Malaga and Seville, took in April a further step forwards within the sphere of excellence that has always been its hallmark. For this reason, it has created the International Advisory Council on Company Policy , formed by more than forty companies from all over the world.

This Council, chaired by Peter Brabeck-Lemathe, President Emeritus of Nestlé, came into being with the aim of fostering the social role of the business school and the competitive companies’ need to endure as the basis of development for any society.

To achieve this, it will undertake diverse training activities and has chosen Malaga to host the first of these. Thus, on October 21 and 22, this business school’s offices in the city played host to the Seminary entitled: “Keys for companies’ competitiveness”, sponsored by Unicaja Bank, and which was attended by almost one hundred entrepreneurs and executives of the highest rank, many of these CEO of major companies.

Major speakers to detect opportunities

Over two days, the attendees were able to discuss and reflect on some of the major challenges that companies will face in the forthcoming years. In the view of Antonio García de Castro, Managing Director of the Instituto Internacional San Telmo, we are undergoing a period brimming with opportunities. “Thanks to new technology and globalization, never before in history have there been so many opportunities for entrepreneurs as there are now. We devote much more time to troubleshooting than taking advantage of the opportunities afforded to us.” He stated.

García de Castro commented that to devise this seminary, the intention was to gather together the thought platforms that would bear an influence, according to the members of this International Council, with the aim of taking advantage of these opportunities: disruptive innovation, digital transformation, talent management, excellence in terms of institutional organization and sustainability.

Disruptive innovation means for many entrepreneurs a double-edged sword, as it can signify both a threat as well as an opportunity. To tackle this topic, a round table was put together, moderated by García de Castro and in which Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder of TUENTI; Juan Martínez Barea, Founder and CEO of UNIVERSAL DX, and José López Vargas, Former Deputy Worldwide Executive President at NESTLÉ.

Regarding digital transformation and new markets Antonio Huertas Mejías, President of MAPFRE; Ricardo Currás de Don Pablos, former CEO of IBEX 35 distribution companies; Miguel Arrufat Pujol, CEO of UNIR; Lidan Qi, President of PCH PUENTE CHINA-ESPAÑA, and Pedro Nueno Iniesta, Founder of CEIBS gave addresses.

For greater depth on the values of a successful organization and the type of talent that this attracts, we were lucky to have the exceptional address given by Narayana Murthy, founder of INFOSYS. This Indian company, founded in 1981, currently boasts more than 200,000 employees and is at the forefront worldwide in terms of consultancy, technology and next generation services.

Finally, Antonio Vázquez Romero, President of IAG; Manuel Domínguez de la Maza, President of MAYORAL, Peter Löscher, CEO of OMV AND SULZER AG and Peter Brabeck-Lemathe, President Emeritus of Nestlé, shared with the attendees their experience of the search for excellence in the institutional organization of companies.

Importantes ponentes para detectar las oportunidades

Durante dos días, los asistentes pudeiron dialogar y reflexionar sobre algunos de los grandes retos a los que se enfrentarán las empresas en los próximos años. Para Antonio García de Castro, director general del Instituto Internacional San Telmo, vivimos un momento lleno de oportunidades. “Gracias a las nuevas tecnologías y a la globalización, nunca en la historia ha habido tantas oportunidades para el mundo empresarial como hay en la actualidad. Nos dedicamos mucho más tiempo a resolver problemas que a aprovechar estas oportunidades que el mundo nos brinda. Espero que este seminario nos ayude a detectarlas y a hacerlas realidad en nuestras empresas”, afirmó.

García de Castro comentó que para diseñar este seminario habían tratado de recoger las plataformas de pensamiento en las que había que incidir, según los miembros de este Consejo Internacional, con el objetivo de aprovechar estas oportunidades: innovación disruptiva, transformación digital, gestión del talento, excelencia en la configuración institucional y sostenibilidad.

La innovación disruptiva supone para muchos empresarios un arma de doble filo ya que pueden ser tanto una amenaza como una oportunidad. Para abordar este tema, se desarrolló una mesa redonda, moderada por García de Castro y en la que han intervinieron Adeyemi Ajao, cofundador de TUENTI; Juan Martínez Barea, Fundador y CEO de UNIVERSAL DX, y José López Vargas, ex vicepresidente ejecutivo mundial de Operaciones de NESTLÉ.

De transformación digital y nuevos mercados hablaron Antonio Huertas Mejías, Presidente de MAPFRE; Ricardo Currás de Don Pablos, ex CEO de empresas de distribución IBEX 35; Miguel Arrufat Pujol, CEO de UNIR; Lidan Qi, presidenta de PCH PUENTE CHINA-ESPAÑA, y Pedro Nueno Iniesta, Founder CEIBS.

Para conocer los valores de una organización de éxito y el tipo de talentos que atrae se contó con un ponente de excepción: Narayana Murthy, fundador de INFOSYS. Esta empresa india, creada en 1981, cuenta en la actualidad con 200.000 empleados y es líder global en consultoría, tecnología, tercerización y servicios de próxima generación.

Finalmente, Antonio Vázquez Romero, presidente de IAG; Manuel Domínguez de la Maza, Chairman de MAYORAL,  Peter Löscher, CEO de OMV AND SULZER AG y Peter Brabeck-Lemathe, presidente Emérito de Nestlé, compartieron con los asistentes su experiencia en la búsqueda de la excelencia en la configuración institucional de la empresa.

Ver álbum:

“Claves para la competitividad de las empresas”